Flow of Consciousness / Synchronicity


SYNCHRONICITY  (meaningful coincidence)

What role does synchronicity play in your life and how does it interact with the flow of consciousness.  First let us define the concept of synchronicity.  Meaningful, (seemingly cosmic), coincidences or events happening in your life.  An example could be, you order a blue dress from a shop, on the appointed day the shop delivers the dress but delivers a black dress instead of blue.  A close relative in your family dies the same day.  Our society equates black with a day of mourning.  Delivering a black dress was an event that was destined to happen.

When the disciple is ready the guru appears.  An example of this could be that you see a poster, attend a lecture that you would not normally pay any attention to and your life is transformed.  If you hadn’t seen the poster your life would have continued on another track.

The term synchronicity, was coined by Carl Jung.  The concept has been around for a very long time in different religions and spiritual world views.  It is actually an idea that is intricately woven into the flow of consciousness.  Some scientists consider that the Big Bang was a synchronistic event.  With their calculations they have determined that if it had happened a millionth of a second earlier or later the universe as we know it would have been very different or might not have existed at all.


FLOW OF CONSCIOUSNESS   (river flows to the ocean)  

The flow of consciousness can be seen as a river flowing to the sea.  We pose as ping pong balls tossed around in the rapids but always continuing with the flow.  Consciousness has its destination and is flowing towards it, taking us with it.

When our eyes start to open we see that there is a destination.  We are moving relentlessly to meet it and the seemingly coincidental events, happening along the way, take on more meaning.

One sure way to know that a person is nearing enlightenment (a state of heightened awareness) is how often they recognize synchronistic events happening in their lives.



Foster and use synchronistic events by recognizing them as meaningful.  Otherwise, they will remain as quaint happenings instead of stepping stones leading to a momentous occasion.

Each of us has within an inherent desire to achieve a higher state of awareness or shall we say a desire to fill the void.  When such an event happens i.e., a flash of insight, an understanding that one is simply an instrument in the hands of the puppeteer, go with it, experience it and stay with it for as long as you can.  Then you are participating knowingly in the Cosmic Dance.